Cloud Computing

Access to your business systems anytime from anywhere!

Cloud Computing is the latest “buzz” phrase in IT and with improvements in broadband coverage and speed it is attracting a lot of interest. What is it and is it right for you?

Unfortunately this is where it gets hazy with a lot of companies muddying the water with varying definitions and disjointed services. The reality is that cloud computing has been around for a long time and almost everybody has used it and accessed data in it at some stage using applications such as Google Docs, Gmail, Facebook etc…

If you are interested in a cloud solution and feel that it might benefit your company or if you simply want to know what all of the hype is about please give us a call.

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    0845 450 4814
  • Warning!

    Don’t even think about calling a Computer Consultant before you read this!

    If you are a small business owner looking for computer support then it’s critical that you download and read this Free small business advisory: Choosing an Honest, Reliable and Competent IT Support Partner





    Contact Information

    Harmony IT Services Ltd.
    c/o Vision
    Saxon House
    27 Duke Street
    Essex, CM1 1HT
    T: 0845 450 4814

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    Harmony IT Services provide a bespoke and dedicated IT outsourcing solution to small and medium sized companies frustrated with running their own IT infrastructure.

    David Nuttall